I can honestly say, this year, was the best year of my life so far. It started with Twilight. I know, that's lame for some people, but, it's the truth. Twilight...and Twitter.
I guess, it technically began last year, but it didn't kick off until January of 2009. In October of 2008, my friend Natahka lent me her Twilight book. Now, it was already a big thing, and all the books were out by that time. I wasn't super excited to read it. In fact, it took me 2-3 days to actually start it. I just wanted to know what everyone was excited about. I soon learned.
But, skipping up to January. January, I started using Twitter. A LOT. I had an old name then, though I don't remember what it was. If you do, PLEASE post it in the comments.
I discovered this blog, called TwilightHeaded, made of The League of Extraordinary Twilighters. They're superheroes who like Twilight. It was really interesting, and I soon became a regular commenter. That's how my name came about. TwilightHeaded had this thing, called the Junior League. Once a week, a fan got to have a blog post put up on TwilightHeaded. You got to have your own superhero name and everything. So, I came up with NinjaFanpire.
I guess the year exploded after that.
I started finding lots of Twilight related Twitters, so I started following and ReTweeting. I guess things just took off from there. Eventually I discovered Kaleb Nation, also called TheTwilightGuy. Oh ya, and this year his book got published. That was one of the highlights of my the year. *Show BH ARCs and 2 books.* Just a little. BlogTV also changed their logo for his book release.
But, backtracking a bit. Well, actually, moving back and forwards because I can't remember all the dates. Anyway, pretty much everything I talk about this year, happened and started this year. And now it's apart of my life, and hope it will be for a long time. It's like I've made my future in this year. Before I was just some kid living in this lame town and going to community college, not sure what to do with my life. Playing video games and surfing the internet, not doing much in particular. I kind of do the same thing now, but it's a bit more social.
This year I also discovered a lot of other people, and I hope I don't forget any. Well, for starters, almost everyone that I am subscribed to on YouTube, excluding the people I know in real life. This was the first year that I had a YouTube channel. And I just reached the limit of 650 Favorites the week of Christmas.
Okay, back onto memories before this video runs out of time. These are just some of the many people and YouTube channels I found this year. NoMoreMarbles, or Bailey. She's cool. I mean, there's not much else to say about Bailey. I wish she would make more videos. Doesn't everyone? Kaleb Nation, which I already talked about. I discovered Maureen Johnson, a great author and funny Twitterer, Blogger, BlogTVer, and, well....funny all the time it seems. Although I still haven't read any of her books. *Show three Maureen Johnson books.* I don't exactly remember how I discovered DFTBSabertooth. I think I randomly found her through BlogTV, either at another show or just clicking around and she looked interesting. Either way, I am SO glad that I did! The Hillywood Show. How could I forget them. I'm not even sure how I discovered them. I think it was their Twilight Parody. Danielle – UnofficiallyAlice or danigirl00. It is so awesome to sort of know Dani. I remember I went to a BlogTV that was like at 3am on a Sunday morning. And she wanted to show me her shoes for some reason. And I just thought it was odd that she knew who I was. But, I liked it. Because she treated me like a friend. I was surprised, but in a good way. I also met Robyn Schneider. I remember some of us were having a writing Skype chat, although it was more like anti-writing. Robyn Twittered to ME that she wanted to join us. I was like, whatev, come on over. And then I realized that she is actually somewhat famous. And it was then I'm pretty sure that that was when I found out SHE was following ME and I was not following her! So that was actually pretty cool. I'm just starting to get to know BellaRocksMusic, but I already like her. I hope the year brings more opportunities for us to talk. Your music is great, and your awesomeness is greater. I found whattheforks, a group of great ladies.
And last but not least, I made friends. Long Skype calls in the summer were great, and omgpopping was so much fun. I can't believe that it was just around last May that I was meeting you all for the first time. Thanks all of you for making omgpopping so epic and fun, and for making me laugh during the Skype calls. MrsJasperHale08 (Josie) especially. xtonks (Sam), reinix (Reyna), Donnie, TwilightGurle (Jackie), Tennath, jamieharrington, Flweep, jessicullenxo, ItsMarisaYo (Marisa), laurjulia, 1Katy1, NicoleKimberley, CSparklePro (Chandelle), joleena, and Anime81.
And some that I know mainly through Twitter, LittleLauren, theRachul, Medyaquesadilla, annie_bananey, HillyFans, and, though we've grown apart, thanks for being part of my year momof3crazykids (Now Valleegrl).
Other fun things that happened (to me or others) in 2009:
I discovered Owl City, thanks to Kaleb Nation
I discovered omgpop....thanks to Kaleb Nation
We had TWO CreepFest 2009's in NoMoreMarbles BlogTV room
I went to my first BlogTV
I became a NerdFigher
I met The Hillywood Show
I went to my first Anime convention
I got way closer to a friend than I thought I would – I love you Natahka
New Moon was released
I met Group 1 Crew and got autographs, and to touch Blanca's hair
I wrote 50,000 words in a month thanks to NaNoWriMo
Kaleb Nation had his first book signing
I got to be there when Kaleb Nation read Bran Hambric for the first time live on BlogTV (on Father's Day?)
Jaden was on a boat. ALL YEAR.
I helped Natahka get a new cat
The TCWCKG was founded (Twilight crazies who crave Kaleb's Gnome(pires))
Paige Railstone was created
omgpop gave way to Cheese and crackass
We discovered that Michael Jackson's horcrux lives in Skype
Epic Skype chat with a real author, Robyn Schneider
The Revolve Tour with my youth group
KalebVlogs was formed
5EpicBranFans started, and I am a member
I failed my first college class. Or class ever.
I watched all the Harry Potter movies for the first time
I helped being Bran Hambric to the #1 Trending Topics, a topic I actually cared about
Kaleb Nation moved to California
Kaleb Nation went the farthest he's ever been from his Texas home
I look forward to in 2010:
Unicorns4JohnGreen (U4JG)
VidCon (hopefully)
Moving to LA (uncertain)
The Guild season 4 and the continuation
The release of Bran Hambric 2
Meeting Kaleb Nation
Meeting Maureen Johnson
So I thank everyone who follows me on Twitter, all 1077 of you. I thank all of my YouTube subscribers, Blog followers, DeviantArt watchers, and anything else that I have that you stalk me on.
It doesn't seem like a year has gone by, but looking back, and remembering, it feels like more than a year has passed. So goodbye 2009, you were the best year of my life. Let's see if 2010 can top that.